Tuesday 11 October 2016

The Entity Mind and Bhagawan

" What is mind? If one searches to find out, then there would be no separate entity as the mind."
"The mind is a bundle of thoughts. They are dependent on the 'I' thought. Know the 'I' thought to be the mind"
"The body is insentient. The Self does not rise. Within the body's limit an 'I' arises between the body and the Self. It is named 'ego' , knot of matter and spirit, bondage , subtle body and mind"
"The mind is born of forms; rooted in forms. It feeds on forms but is itself formless."
Devotee: Bhagawan please destroy my mind.
Bhagawan: Is there such a thing as the mind? If so what is its form? Does it have beard or moustache?

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