Tuesday 11 October 2016

Ramana Ramana Ramana

The name of Bhagawan itself is enough to stir the hearts of devotees, anxieties vanish , calmness pervades in the heart. Just one visit to Ramanashramam changed my life for ever. I try and visit Bhagawan every time I go to India. Meditating particularly on the hill , in Skandashramam is just a Devine experience. We can sit next to where Bhagawan used to sit and feel his presence , although HE is all pervading , it's is not easy to feel that way for me. Going to Arunachalam , the thought itself makes me happy. The Hill pulls me and Bhagawan with his Devine grace keeps me blissful. I had to stay outside the Ashramam accommodation this time and somehow was bit disappointed , but that's me , there is no difference in Bhagawan and his love.

Sri Ramana , to your holy feet. Please may my mind be at your Feet.

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