Tuesday 11 October 2016

Guru A living Fire

The Guru is the living fire that warms the logs of wood around in general while the dry ones catch the fire. And as elsewhere stated, no method suggested by the Shastra  alone , no book however sacred it be , can give the initiating touch that opens the third eye in us. The Guru gives the method, not the written instruction, not necessarily the spoken word even. The word ,, the real initiation, upadesa or diksa, is a silent one, a power, an influence issuing from the being and consciousness of the Guru, the Jnanin, who has realised the Lord, the Self of all existences, in his own being and so knows him in other beings. And in language of the Bhagavath Gita, the Jnanin knows that all is in Vasudeva and all is Vasudeva. Therefore Sri Krishna says, " The Jannin is myself". The Jnanin alone is real Guru, for none else but God is the Teacher, and He revealing Himself in the Jananin initiates the soul , faithful , chosen , fit and devoted.
Source " The Maharishi" by Sri T.V. Kapali Sastry

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