Wednesday 12 October 2016

Bound and Liberated Man

Devotee: What is the difference between bound man and the one liberated"?

Bhagawan :" From the Heart, there is a subtle passage leading to the 'sahasrara' , the seat of power.The ordinary man live in the brain unaware of himself in the Heart. The 'jnana siddha'lives in the Heart. When he moves about and deals with men and things , he knows that wha he sees is not separate from the one reality".

D: What about the ordinary man?

Bhagawan : I have just said that he sees things outside himself. He is separate from the world, from his own deeper truth, from the truth that supports him and what he sees. Then man who has realised the truth of his own existence realises that it is the one reality that is there behind him., behind the world.In fact , he is aware of the one, as real , the Self in all selves, in all things , as that which is eternal and immutable in all that is impermanent and mutable".

D: I am done .But one doubt.

Bhagawan : what is it ?

Devotee : You said 'Heart ' is the centre of the ego-self as also the real-self.

Bhagawan : Yes, the Heart is the centre of the real.But the ego is impermanent. Like everything else it is supported by the Heart Centre. But the ego is the links between spirit and matter; it is a knot, the knot of radial ignorance in which one is steeped. When this knot is cut asunder by proper mean you find this centre.

Devotee : You said there is a passage from this centre to 'Sahasrara' 

Bhagawan: Yes. It is closed in the man in bondage; in the man in whom the ego-knot is cut asunder , a force-current called  'amritanadi' rises and goes up to the 'sahasrara' , the crown of the head.

Devotee: Is this 'sushunmna' ?

Bhagawan: No. This is the passage of liberation. This is called 'atmanadi' ' Brahmanadi' or 'Amritanadi'. This is the nadi that is referred to in the Upanishads. When this passage is open, you cease to be ignorant. You know the truth even when you talk , think or do anything and when dealing with men and things'. 

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