Thursday 7 May 2020

Happiness and Misery in Creation

Apologies once again for my absence . Some times life drifts away from the Spiritual waters. By Bhagawans grace I am back again at his feet.

Was reading SS Cohen's book on Bhagawan and found this, and thought this is a pertinent time to share this.

On May 4th 1937 in Bhagawan's presence a book was read which touches on weather the world was created for happiness or for misery. 

Bhagawan answered as follows 

"Creation is neither good nor bad; it is as it is . IT is on the human mind which puts all sorts of constructions on it, as it sees things from its own angle and as it suits its own interests. A women is just a women, but one mind calls her mother , another sister and still another aunt and  so on. Men love women, hat snakes and are indifferent to the grass and stones by the road side. These connections are the cause of misery in the world. Creation is like a peepul tree; birds come to eat its fruit, or take shelter under its branches , men cool themselves in its shade , but some may hang themselves on it.Yet the tree continues to lead its quiet life , unconcerned with , and unaware of , all the uses its is put to . It sis the human mind that creates its own difficulties and then cries for help. Is God so partial as to give peace to one person and sorrow another? In creation there is room of everything , but man refuses to see the good, the healthy and the beautiful , and goes on whining , like the hungry man who sits besides a tasty dish and instead of stretching out his hand to satisfy hunger , he goes on lamenting."

To ask for protection form HIM is to doubt his GRACE 

Sri Ramana 

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