Saturday 23 May 2020


This one is from "In the Days of Great Peace" by Mouni Sadhu , devotee of Bhagawan

Achievement is the same for all religions. But the ways to it can be seen differently . If you study the lives of the saints of all faiths, you will find that they are all brothers in the love and realization of God. Let our prayers be unselfish, and remeber always that the Lord knows better how to rule His Universe than we do. Therefore, He does not need our suggestions in this matter. Try to make perfect that which is really yours -- your own consiousness. That is our only aim.

Here is the mysitc prayer by St. Francis of Assissi:

"Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;
where there is hatred , let me sow love;
where there is injury , let me sow pardon;
where there is doubt, let me sow faith;
where there is diapair -hope;
where there is darkness -Light;
where there is sadness ,let me sow joy'.

 May this divine prayer stay in our hearts and surrender ourselves to HIM.

Sri Ramana

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