Saturday, 28 December 2019

Visons , Miracles and Mystic experience

I was going through old Mountain path issues and one of the issues on Aradhana day had the following from Sri Ramakrishna on Visions.This caught my mind for a long time and sent me in to thinking and self reflection.

" Taking visions to be the whole of religion, many come to the wrong conclusion that any one who has not had such experiences is not at all spiritual. Spirituality and aimless miracle mongering seem to them the same thing. But this kind of hankering after miracles does not make man spiritual ; on the contrary it makes him weaker daily in all respects. That which does not lead to steadfastness and strength of character, that which does o tenable man to take his stand on the rock of purity and truth in defiance of the whole world , or that which entangles him more and more in various kinds of desires instead of setting him free from them , is outside the realm of spirituality. If extraordinary visions have not produced such results in your life and nevertheless you are having those visions , know that you are still outside the realm of spirituality , and that the visions are due to a diseased brain and so are of no value. IF , on the other had , instead of having wonderful visions and experiences , you find yourself acquiring strength , know for certain that you are on the right path and that you will also have those visions and experiences at the proper time."

Sri RamaKrishna , The Great Master.

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