Saturday 6 September 2014

In conversation with Bhagawan

Mr.P.C Desai introduced Mr.P.C Deanji (Rtd Sub-Judge) who was returning from Trivandrum where he had presided over a section of the Philosophical conference.Mr.Dewanji asked Bhagawan, "What is the easiest way to attain one-pointedness of mind"?

Bhagawan said " The best way is to see the source of the mind. See if there is such a thing as mind. It is only if there is a mind that the question of making one-pointed will arise. when you investigate by turning inwards, you find there is no such thing as the mind".

Then Mr. P.C Desai quoted Bhagawan's Upadesa Sara in Sanskrit to the effect "When you investigate the nature of mind continuously or without break, you find there is no such thing as the mind. This is the straight path for all".

The visitor asked again " It is said in our scriptures that God it is that creates, sustains and destroys all and that He is immanent in all. If so and if God does everything and is all what we do is according to God's niyati( Law) and has already planned in the Cosmic Consciousness, is there individual personality and any responsibility for it.

Bahagawan: " Of course, there is. The same scriptures have laid down rules as to what men should or should not do. If man is not responsible , then why should those rules have been laid down? You talk of Gods niyati and things happening according to it. If you ask God why this creation and all, He would tell it is according to karma again. If you believe in God and His niyati working out everything completely surrender yourself to Him and there will be no responsibility for you. Otherwise find out your real nature and thus attain freedom".

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