Thursday 24 July 2014


Rudra Raj Pande, Principal of the Tri-chandra College at Kathmandu, Nepal, went with a friend to worship at the great temple in town before leaving Tiruvannamalai.

" The inner temple gates were thrown open and my guide took us into the interior, which was rather dark. A small oiled wick-flame was flickering a few yards in front of us. the young voice of my companion shouted " Arunachala". all my intention was directed to the one purpose of seeing the Image or the Lingam in the Sanctum Santorum. But strange to say, instead of the Lingum I see the image of Maharishi Bhagawan Sri Ramana, his smiling countenance, his brilliant eyes looking at me. and what is more strange, it is not one Maharishi that I see, nor two- in hundreds I see the same smiling countenance, those lustrous eyes, I see them wherever I may look, in the Sanctum Santorum.My eyes cannot  the full figure of the Maharishi but only the smiling face, from the chin above. I am in raptures and beside myself with inexpressible joy- that bliss and calmness of mind I then felt how can words describe? Tears of joys flowed down my cheeks I went to the temple to see Lord Arunachala and I found the living Lord as he graciously revealed himself. I can never forget the deep intimate experience I had in the ancient temple".

Neverthless, Sri Bhagawan never encouraged interest in visions or desire for them, nor did they occur to all devotees or desciples.

But my personal experience is that, although these visions are not desired by Gnanis like Bhagawan, these will be a good encouragement for the Sadhakas.

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