Saturday 6 September 2014

Guru and Disciple

Let us examine Sri Bhagawan's statements carefully.He sometimes said he had no disciples and never stated explicitly that he was the Guru, however, he used the expression " the Guru" as equivalent to "the Gnani " and is such a way as to leave no doubt that he is the Guru and he more than once joined in singing the song Ramana Sat-Guru.

Moreover, when devotee was genuinely distressed and seeking a solution he would sometimes reassure him in a way that left no room for doubt. An English disciple, Major Chadwick kept a record of such an assurance given to him in the year 1940 :

Ch: Bhagawan says he has no disciples?

Bh :Yes

Ch: He also says that Guru is necessary if one wishes to attain Liberation.


Ch: What then must I do? Has my sitting here all these years been just waste of time? Must I go and look for some Guru in order to receive initiation seeing that Bhagawan says he is not a Guru?

Bh: What do you mean think brought you here such a long distance and made you remain so long? Why do you doubt? IF there had been any need to seek a Guru elsewhere you would have gone away long ago.

The Guru or Gnani sees no difference between himself and others.For him all are Gnanis, all are one with himself, so how can Gnani say that such and such is his disciple? But the unliberated one sees all as multiple, he sees all as different from himself, so to him the Guru-disciple relationship is a reality and he needs that Grace of the Guru  to waken him to reality. For him there are three ways of initiation, by touch look and silence.
Ch: Then Bhagawan does have disciples!

Bh: As I said from Bhagawan's point of view there are no disciples, but from that of the disciples the Grace of the Guru is like an ocean.If he comes with a cup he will only get a cupful.It is no use complaining of the niggardliness of the ocean , the bigger the vessel the more he will be able to carry. It is entirely up to him.

Ch: Then to know whether Bhagawn is my Guru or not is just a matter of faith, if Bhagawan will no admit it.

Bh: ~(Sitting straight up and turning to the interpreter and speaking with great emphasis) Ask him ,does he want me to give him in written document?

Sri Ramanaya Namaha

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