Sunday 24 October 2010

Meditaion -Bhagawatham

Although the main aim of my blog is to post about Bhagawan Ramana, I take some freedom to post some thing on meditation.Bhagawan Ramana never encouraged any meditation technique,rather advised everyone to contemplate on the question "Who Am I" .This is not easy and will need strong conviction. In Bhagavath Geetha Arjuna asks Sri Krishna how one can quieten the mind, Sri Krishna agreed that its not that easy ,even for a "Maha Bahu", one who has immense physical strength.He then suggests Arjuna to do Pranayama and Omkaram.

Same Sri Krishna in the 11th Canto of Bhagavatham answers Uddhava and reveals a technique for meditation.

Yevam Pranavasamyuktam pranameva samabyaseth |
dasakrutvasthra shavanam maasadarvaag jithanilaha ||

(From  Bhagavath Ratnakaram by Sri Sri Sri VidyaPrakashananda Giri Swamy page 746 )

Literal meaning : One who does pranayama and recites Omkaram 10 times thrice a day for one month ,will achive control of mind.

This is a very practical technique and will not need a physical Guru, as the Jagadguru Sri Krishna himself advocated this technique.In this age of commercial meditation techniques and Gurus, who will impose a pseudo stress in your life and sell their technique as a medication , this technique is of immense use

I  have been practicing this for the last  few days  and found it really effective. Peaceful mind and a good sleep are the first results in the last two weeks.And I have no doubt this will prove to be immensely helpful in long run.

Pranayama can be done three times ( Poorka , kumbaka , Rechaka ) ,but it is actually done 10 times. Then followed by 10 repetitions of OM.And as it is  not possible for us to do thrice a day, I do it twice.

I hope few of us will start using this technique and benifit from this.



  1. Thanks for sharing this valuable yet simple technique with the authenticity of Bhagavatham. will surely try.
