Monday 18 October 2010

At the Feet of the Master-Ramana Maharishi

RAMANA the name rings a bell of Peace and Bliss. Arunachalam a place of knowledge. A uncomparable state while he was in his body. His teaching was through silence. A pure advaitin ,advaitin by experience rather than by books. A compassionate saint radiating love for one and all. Volumes has been written about him, but nothing equals to his silence. His radiating eyes can convey the messege with a single glance.

There is no dogma or doctrine ,no mantra or meditation technique.A simple way , to look inwards. WHO AM I. Its not as simple as that. It needs the grace of the Guru. Ramana never claimed that he is the Guru.

Bhagawan on occassion said

"I have not said that a Guru is not necessary.But a Guru need not always be in a human form.First a person thinks that he is an inferior and theat there is a superior ,all-knowing , all powerful God whos controls his own and the world's distiny and worships him or does Bhakthi.When he reaches a certain stage and becomes fit for enlightenment , the same God whom he was worshipping comes as Guru and leads him on .That Guru comes only to tell him that God is within yourself.Dive within and realize. God,Guru and Self are the Same"

But like Dakshninamurthy he taught who ever came to him with his silence.He never possessed any thing ,but everything is His. He never owned ashrams or branches.No direct diciples to preach and propogate his gospel. He is a great devotee and a great advaitin. Although he did not preach any thing directly, no discourses of Gitas and upanishads and breathing techniques, he encouraged few to study Vashista Gita and Ribu Geetha.

In this blog I would like to share few experiences of his devotees and few of mine. To learn more about Bhagawan's earthly life you can read Krishna Bhikshu's Ramana Leela both in English and Telugu.Another recommended book is Letters From Ramanasharamam by Smt.Suri Nagamma in Enlgish and Telugu

Following websites will give more information about Bhagawan and Arunachalam

Bhagawan's earlthy life at a glance


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