Wednesday 20 October 2010


Ramana the embodiment of advaitha and silence is his way of teaching. He has not given any discourses. He neither advised any specific meditation techniques. No long retreats for his devotees or followers. He rarely spoke ,but when he spoke it meant volumes.Smt Suri Nagamma has collected such conversations when Bhagawan spoke to someone.She kept writing to her brother on the day to day activities of Ramanashramam.


Once a young man came to Bhagawan and asked with stern voice.

"Have you seen GOD?" in Tamil (Nee Daivam Pattheyaa?)

The man obviously read a lot about Swami Vivekananda and try to imitate him by asking the question.

Bhagawan ,as he knew everything , with complete innocence replied with a question

"Who is He?" ( Avaru Yaaru)

The young man got startled by the response and left after a while. Bhagawan was teaching that GOD is not something external to SEE ,neither it is something INSIDE.But we ourselves are the DIVINE.

But to realise this we will need the devine grace of Guru either in body or without.The presence of Bhagawan can be felt even by reading his divine Raman Leela.Ramanashramam is wonderful and can feel the Saint's grace.


A devotee asked Bhagawan "Bhagawan ,what is Maya?"

Bhagawan sat in silence.After a while Dr.Sarvepalii Radhakrishnan came to Bhagawan and spent some time at His feet.As he was leaving all the ashram staff and devotees followed him. Bhagawan was left alone with the first devotee.

Bhagawan commented "This is Maya".

By this Bhagawan meant that we always keep chasing earthly pleasures leaving behind SELF. The staff and devotees who were serving Bhagawan left with Dr.Radhakrishnan leaving behind HIM.

When the Maya (Ignorance) is swept away we remain as SELF.

Note: This post is just to share few things about Bhagawan.Not that I want to teach anyone.I just like to read ,write and think about Bhagawan.A visit to Ramanashramam has changed my life.

"Namah Skandhaaya Vidmahe Rushi Sakshadhemahi

Thanno Ramana Prachodayaath"

Jai Sri Ramana

1 comment:

  1. Hi Prasanth,
    We met yesterday.My email
