Tuesday 25 April 2017

Saints Blessings

Bhagawan gave the following explanation with reference to a saints blessings:

" The blessings of a saint perform the purification work of life. These blessings cannot increase impurity. One whose understanding is limited will ask for blessings so that he can fulfill certain desires, but if the desires are such that their fulfillment will make the seeker more impure rather than purer, the saint's blessings will not enable him to fulfil the desires. In this way the seeker is saved from further impurities. In that case , are not the saint's blessings a gift of compassion?"

Spirituality has morality as its foundation. Bhagawan's method of atma vichara is both the means of purification and the samadhi. Atma vichara is natural as there is no one who can deny the existence of "I". Just lets us question who is seeing the dream and who is experiencing the happiness of sleep. That ONE is the reality. Once we start ATMA VICHARA , the impurities will drop off one by one and we will have no regrets of past or worries of future. 

Lets surrender to HIS holy feet , rest our burden on him and go ahead with Atma Vichara 15 minutes twice a day. And things will slowly but surely change.

Sri Ramanaarpanam 

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