Tuesday 4 April 2017


Sri Bhagawan, how can I express my gratitude towards you and there are no words to express your grace on me. I am that dormant seed on which you showered as the monsoon rain and the Sun of your grace made me sprout. How can I a week sapling like me offer anythig to you. Bestow upon me unwavering devotion to Thy feet. May I reach that state where there is only "I", the pure and eternal.

The three mental states of waking , dream and sleep are 'unreal', because they have no permanence. The come and go. There must be a substratum or a base on which such movements take place. One knows nothing about sleep except the recollection of its repose on waking. On the contrary on waking one labels one's dream as unreal. The reason for this is the apparent absence of continuity of events between two or three dreams and the absence of corroboration about the dream on waking. 

Sri Bhagawan points out the error in this view point. One would then be judging one's dream state from the standpoint of another state, waking. However , if one goes inot it, since each dream, barring exceptions, is self-contained, it has a perfect inner logic and sequence. During the subsistence of dream there is no doubt about its reality. The conclusion is that each state has its own illusion which can be got over only if one wakes up from that particular illusory state into another. Just as dream appears 'unreal' to one who is awake, so too would waking itself be if one  awakes from it to the state of 'Turiya'. Turiya is the egoless state in which the mind stays merged in the heart. It is only when one traverses beyond the mindss framework through self-enquiry that the waking state is negated. One moves inot a state of waking-sleep a state which combines the alertness of the waking state with the repose of sleeping. When one abides in that state one recognises that the waking state which appeared 'real' is also 'unreal'.

(Source : A Practical Guide to Know yourself Page 175 )

Sri Ramana Gurave Namaha.

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