Sunday 29 January 2017


Silence , magic word cannot be defined, if defined it is not silence. Bliss, not happiness, cannot be defined. And the Bliss of Silence is the something we experience with Bhagawan.

Bhagawan once said

"Silence is the most powerful form of teaching transmitted from master to adept. The soundless voice is pure intuition. It is the voice of spiritual sound speaking in tour innermost being. Self-enquiry is the only path we have in order to eliminate spiritual unconsciousness, which is widespread. Self-enquiry brings the consciousness of the Divine, the universal truth and the light that governs the universe.All this must be known, felt, lived and realised. In order to realise this truth, we need to eliminate the thinking mind, to dissolve it in the Universal self".

To forget the ego and discover the universal being, not as one being discovering another, but through the Self-consciousness of this Being itself is the direct path taught by Bhagawan. After practicing Self-enquiry for a period of time one awakens a current of consciousness, the supreme consciousness, that is never affected by the destruction of the body.

The self is eternal kindness and boundless love, the sole reality.It shines like the sun and reveals itself as soon as the false thought is destroyed and no residue remains , for this thought is the cause of the appearance of false forms.

Bhagawan spoke very little, and showed the world how much could be transmitted by silence. With this attitude of serene benevolence he set all at ease, removing all criticism and surrounding everyone with the most pure universal love.


Thursday 12 January 2017


The mind can never eliminate itself without grace of the Self. Mind is afraid of its own death. It will do nothing to endanger its own existence. ---- Sri Laxmana Swamy 

After learning from his english professor G.V Subbaramiah about Sri Bhagawan , Laxmana Swamy visited Ramanashramam and had darshan of Sri Ramana. He attained Self realisation and now lives at the feet of the Holy Hill. He seldom comes out of his residence and gives darshan to few. Sri Laxmana Swamy gave the following instructions for Self Enquiry.

The self is ever present, there is no question of realizing it. You neither reach it nor attain it because you are the Self even now.It is said that the mind prevents one from being aware of the Self, but the mind is non-existent. The self alone exists and one who knows this knows that there is no birth , no mind , no death , no time and no question of enlightenment. This is the final truth.

The mind will engage in sadhana, thinking that it wants to destroy itself, but as soon as the mind starts to sink into the Heart, a great fear arises which prevents the mind from completely subsiding. This fear is part of the minds self defense mechanism and you will never overcome it by effort alone. It is because of this you need the grace of the Guru. When you concentrate on the name and form of the Guru, Guru calms the mind and helps it to overcome the fear which would otherwise prevent it from subsiding completely. 

After sleep the first thought to appear is the 'I' thought. It raises in the Heart and in a split second , travels to the brain , identifies with the body and the senses and then sees the world around it as real world.

Follow the quest 'who am I' .Follow the I back to its source. When the I goes back to its source and identifies with Self instead of the world and senses , there is eternal peace and bliss. To do this you have to get rid of all thoughts. the first of all  thoughts is the 'I' thought. Give up all other thoughts and catch hold the 'I' thought. The self will embrace and devour the 'I'. 

If the candle comes near the sun , it will melt away. The same thing will happen to the mind if you hold on the 'I' thought. 

Finally Sri Laxmana Swamy advice " Just keep quite , Bhagawan will do the rest" ( This was Arthur Osborne who said ) 

Grace, Perseverance and Surrender. 

Sri Ramana! Sri Ramana !! Sri Ramana !!!

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Bhagawan's 137th Jayanthi


"Namah Skandaaya vidmahe Rushi Sakshaath Dhimahi , Thannoh Ramanah Prachodayaath "

(Please feel free to get this printed out, if this is of not good resolution , leave me your email and I will mail it to you)

Monday 9 January 2017


Crisp cold winter crept in and so is the silence. The tree in the garden has shred its leaves like the Janani shreds his false I. The nest on the tree which hosted the robin and its little one is empty now like the mind of Self realized soul.  

Saturday 7 January 2017


Bhagawan ..... Strong winter winds of life has battered me recently and I have shred leaves of spirituality. You showered your Grace again and I have sprouted oce more. You are the ocean of Grace and I am a parched land best suited for you. You have Graced me so much what can I say. Coming to Arunachala is your grace, sitting at your feet at Skandashramam is your grace, the silence you bestowed on me recently is your grace. What am I Bahgawan but a crying child and you came to caress me.How can I describe this silence since it is within ? Then why do I write this , I dont know. My vinnapam is that I should never stop reading, thinking and loving you, please let this happen Bhagawan.

I have warned myself of the tricks of memory, of which nothing is more harmful, nothing more destructive to the peace of mind which is necessary for successful Sadhana. Fortunately I have Bhgawan with me. Looking in to the past with its trials and errors, regrets, fear, passion, love and hatred etc is something to loathe about. Everyting is dust, everything  transitory, including the seemingly indissoluble human ties , more so wealth and fame and thus not worth a moment's regret. Nothing is changeless and lasting but the natural state of pure being , that is Bhagawan and that which he graces on us. 

The Restored Photographs of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi - Bhagavan with animals, WA_16