Saturday, 26 March 2016


The fourteen questions and answers elicited in 1902, or soon after from the Swami are

1. Sivaprakasam Pillai: Swami, Who am I? How is salvation attained?

Bhagavan: By incessantly pursuing within yourself "Who am I" , you will know your true Self and thereby attain salvation .

2.Sivaprakasam Pillai: Who am I?

Bhagavan: the real "I" or true Self is not any of the five senses, nor the Prana, nor the mind nor even the deep sleep state when there is no cognisance of any of these.

3. S.P : If I am not any of these, what else am I?

Bhagavan: After excluding each of the above , saying ' This is not I' that which remains alone is 'I' , and that is consciousness.

4. S.P: What is the nature of that consciousness ?

Bhagavan: It is ' Sat Chit Ananda' , where there is not even the slightest trace of the thought 'I' at all. this is also called mouna, atman. The only thing that exists is that. The three, World, God, Ego) if considered separate entities are mere illusions like the appearance of silver in the mother of pearl .But God jivas and world are one Sivaswarupa or the Atmaswarupa are Real.

5. S.P: How are we to realise that Real?

Bhagavan:  When external objects vanish then the true nature of the seer or subject is realised.

6. S.P : Can we not realise that while we see objects also?

Bhagavan:  No, because, the seen and the seer are like the rope and the serpent. Unless you get rid of the superimposed illusion of a serpent m you cannot believe that what exists is only the rope.

7. S.P : When will the external objects vanish?

Bhagavan:  If the mind which is the cause of all thoughts and all activity vanishes , the external objects will vanish.


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