Saturday 23 January 2016


In conversations with Bhagawan 

Devotee : By practising the disciplines taught by Sri Bhagawan on may get rid of the obstacles that are in the mind like ignorance, doubt, error etc ., and thereby attain quiescence of mind. Yet, there is one last doubt. After the mind has been resolved in the heart , there is only consciousness shining as the plenary reality. when thus the mind has assumed the form of the Self, who is there to enquire? such enquiry would result in self worship. It would be like the story of the shepherd searching fro the sheep that was all the time on his shoulders.

Bhagawan : The jiva itself is Siva; Siva himself is the jiva. It is true that the jiva is non other than Siva. When the grain is hidden inside the husk it is called paddy;when it is de-husked, it is called rice. Similarly , so long as one is bound by karma one remains jiva. when the bond of ignorance is broken , one shines as Siva , the Deity. Thus declares a scriptural text. Accordingly, the jiva which is mind is in reality the pure Self; but forgetting the truth, it imagines itself to be an individual soul and gets bound in the shape of the mind. So it search for the Self, which is itself, is like the search for the sheep by the shepherd. But still, the jiva which has forgotten its self will not become the Self through mere mediate knowledge. By the impediment caused by the residual impressions gathered in previous births, the jiva forgets again and again its identity with Self , and gets deceived , identifying itself with the body etc. Will a person become a high officer merely looking at him? Is it not by steady effort in that direction that he could become a highly placed officer? Similarly , the jiva which is in bondage through mental identification with the body etc should put forth effort in the form of reflection on the Self, in a gradual and sustained manner; and when the mind gets destroyed, the jiva would become the Self. 

The reflection on the Self which is thus practised constantly will destroy the mind and thereafter will destroy itself like the stick that is used to kindle the cinders burning a corpse. It is this state that is called release.


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