Wednesday 17 July 2013


Bhagawan never gave any instructions to anyone regarding lifestyle or any special instructions ,but his day to day life gives a standing example of a ideal lifestyle for a Spiritual aspirant.One noticed in Bhagawan's Life

Personal Cleanliness,tideness of dress
Habitual wearing of Vibhuthi and Kumkum on forehead
equal sharing of all enjoyments with those around HIM
Strict adherence to time schedule
doing useful work however low it be
Never leaving work unfinished
the pursuit of perfection in every action
Indessant activity except while sleeping or resting after a spell of hard work
never considering onself superior to others
speaking the truth always or strict silence if the expression of truth would hurt or lower the reputation of others
perfect self help;never asking another to do a piece of work which can be done by onself
taking full responsibility of failure ,if any , withour shifting the blame on others
accepting success and failure with equanimity
never disturbing the peace of another
Leaving the leaf or plate clean after eating
compete non-interference in the affairs of others
never worrying about future

These are the lessons Sri Ramana tought by example and we should try and follow these with all strenght of body ,mind and spirit.



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