Tuesday 23 July 2013


Chalam in his book Bhagawan Smruthulu (Bhagawan Remembered) gives accounts of two devotees who immensely devoted to Bhagawan and  put their life in Bhagwan.

One a old devotee who lived in Draupadi temple , at distance from the Ashram. His only possessions were a pot and a axe to cut wood.He used to beg in the town and cook and eat in the pot.He used to come to ashram and look at Bhagawan hours together and then go away in the night to the temple which is in the middle of a jungle ,dilapidated and visited by none.

Chalam once asked him "Do you live here? Are you not afraid  to live alone at night?"

He said" Why should I be afraid ,Bhagawan looks after me. In the night I am surrounded by a blue light from Bhagawan , which protects me."

The second one is a old blind Muslim from Peshawar who over heard about Bhagawan through a Urdu book and travelled on his own to Tiruvannamalai and placed himself in front of Bhagawan.

Chalam asked him what he want to do next , for the reply was "Whatever Bagawan tells me to do."

These two devotees stand as an example for us.


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