Wednesday 22 May 2013


PASCALINE MALLETT, French Lady visited Bhagawan in 1937
We slipped in quietly and seated ourselves on the ground amongst the crowd. The Maharishi's calm majesty , serene , strength and perfect poise filled the place with unutterable peace. It was for the first time I came to know the meaning of eternity and to be caught up into bliss that passeth understanding.When the sun shines does one need to know why and how it shines? I opened my heart to the spiritual Life which radiated so intensely in the silence of Maharishi. I had the impression of being surrounded by a sea of fiery Power, welding all present into a great Flame rising Heavenwards.I had the feeling that the Maharishi lived in a state where time and space did not exist.Undoubtedly , merely to live in his presence is the greatest help that oncould possibly receive.

MERCEDES de ACOSTA, an American ,came to Bhagawan in 1938:

When I entered the hall,I felt overcome by a strong power as if an invisible wind was pushing violenlty against me.For a moment I felt dizzy .As the Maharishi sat there he seemed lie statue ,and yet something exraordinalry emanated from him.I had a feeling that on some invisible level I was receiving spiritual shocks from him. When he moved his head and looked directly at me I felt my inner being raised to new level, as if suddenly my state of consciousness was lifted to much hihger degree,.Perhaps in the split second I was no longer my human self but SELF. Then Bhagawan smiled at me.It seemed to me that I had never before known what a smile was. To write about my experiences with Bhagawan would be trying to put the Infinite into an egg cup.

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