Monday 27 May 2013


Raghavachariar was working as a Superintendent of Public works at Tiruvannamalai when he visited Sri Ramana at Skandashramam. 

Bhagawan was sitting on the platform with a picture of Dakshinamurthy painted on the wall next to him.Bhagawan silently gazed on  as usual and the visitor gazed into his eyes and said "Just as Arjuna wished to see the form of Krishna and asked for darshan,I wished to have darshan of your real form". then Bhagawan's body and the picture of Dakhinamurthy disappeared from his view. There was only empty space ,without even a wall.Then followed a whitish cloud in the outline of Maharishi and Dakshinamurthy ,before his eyes. Gradually the eyes, nose etc and other details were outlined in lightning like lines. These got broadened till the figure of Bhagawan and Dakshinamurthy became ablaze with strong and unendurable light. Raghavachariar closed eyes in consequence. He waited for few minutes and when he opened his eyes he found the Maharishi and Dakshinamurthy in the same form as before.He prostrated and went away.

The impact of this experience was such that he did not dare to go near Maharishi almost for one month. Later when he when he went up the hill , he narrated the above experience and requested Bhagawan to explain.After a pause Maharishi said" You wanted to see my saw my disappearance.I am formless.Ganapathi Muni has a similar experience and you may consult him".Raghavachariar did no consult the muni.

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