Monday 27 May 2013


Raghavachariar was working as a Superintendent of Public works at Tiruvannamalai when he visited Sri Ramana at Skandashramam. 

Bhagawan was sitting on the platform with a picture of Dakshinamurthy painted on the wall next to him.Bhagawan silently gazed on  as usual and the visitor gazed into his eyes and said "Just as Arjuna wished to see the form of Krishna and asked for darshan,I wished to have darshan of your real form". then Bhagawan's body and the picture of Dakhinamurthy disappeared from his view. There was only empty space ,without even a wall.Then followed a whitish cloud in the outline of Maharishi and Dakshinamurthy ,before his eyes. Gradually the eyes, nose etc and other details were outlined in lightning like lines. These got broadened till the figure of Bhagawan and Dakshinamurthy became ablaze with strong and unendurable light. Raghavachariar closed eyes in consequence. He waited for few minutes and when he opened his eyes he found the Maharishi and Dakshinamurthy in the same form as before.He prostrated and went away.

The impact of this experience was such that he did not dare to go near Maharishi almost for one month. Later when he when he went up the hill , he narrated the above experience and requested Bhagawan to explain.After a pause Maharishi said" You wanted to see my saw my disappearance.I am formless.Ganapathi Muni has a similar experience and you may consult him".Raghavachariar did no consult the muni.

Wednesday 22 May 2013


PASCALINE MALLETT, French Lady visited Bhagawan in 1937
We slipped in quietly and seated ourselves on the ground amongst the crowd. The Maharishi's calm majesty , serene , strength and perfect poise filled the place with unutterable peace. It was for the first time I came to know the meaning of eternity and to be caught up into bliss that passeth understanding.When the sun shines does one need to know why and how it shines? I opened my heart to the spiritual Life which radiated so intensely in the silence of Maharishi. I had the impression of being surrounded by a sea of fiery Power, welding all present into a great Flame rising Heavenwards.I had the feeling that the Maharishi lived in a state where time and space did not exist.Undoubtedly , merely to live in his presence is the greatest help that oncould possibly receive.

MERCEDES de ACOSTA, an American ,came to Bhagawan in 1938:

When I entered the hall,I felt overcome by a strong power as if an invisible wind was pushing violenlty against me.For a moment I felt dizzy .As the Maharishi sat there he seemed lie statue ,and yet something exraordinalry emanated from him.I had a feeling that on some invisible level I was receiving spiritual shocks from him. When he moved his head and looked directly at me I felt my inner being raised to new level, as if suddenly my state of consciousness was lifted to much hihger degree,.Perhaps in the split second I was no longer my human self but SELF. Then Bhagawan smiled at me.It seemed to me that I had never before known what a smile was. To write about my experiences with Bhagawan would be trying to put the Infinite into an egg cup.