Tuesday 26 November 2019

Advaitic Sadhana - The yoga of Direct Liberation--Book

Advaitic Sadhana -The Yoga of Direct Liberation

This book is an essay written by S.S.Cohen, one of the earliest devotees of Bhagawan. This is a Gem of a book , containing also the English translations of Mandukyopanishad and Atma Bhoda. The book is divided in to three sections

Part one deals with the Sadhana itself qualifications of sadhaka , dhyana , pitfalls and samadhi. Nicely elucidated in this essay we can compare our position and move forward.

Part Two is the Mandukyopanishad , translation , this is not an exhaustive commentary ,but will emphasise the zest of the upanishad in plain English.

Part Three is the English translation of Atma Bhoda.Atma Bhoda is one of the smallest treatises written by Sri Shankaracharya , occupies a unique place in the science of Self-Knowledge and liberation. In 68 short stanzas the Acharya gives the cream of the Vedanta.

Overall this small book is a super guide and a pleasure read. Published by Motilal Banarsidass , this is a book of vedanta in nutshell. A must for Sadhakas.

Sri Ramana Sri Ramana Sri Ramana

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