Friday 29 December 2017


Question: What is the best way to living in peace? 

Bhagawan : To eliminate the thinking mind and the profane ego through constant meditation is a good practice to live in supreme peace. People have the tendency of not understanding the simple truth, the truth of their daily experience , always current and eternal. This truth is the SELF. But people do not want to hear about this. They prefer to know about what happens in the beyond, in an imaginary paradise , in the hell , they want to know about reincarnation. They prefer mystery to the simple truth , the mystery that the religions use to attract man through crooked paths. But it is useless to go through such paths. It is necessary to become conscious of the SELF. Why, then , not establish oneself immediately in it?

Question: How to obtain happiness?

Bhagawan : Happiness is not a state to be obtained. The desire of happiness comes from the feeling of in-satisfaction. And this pertains to the ego. To obtain happiness, it is not necessary to conquer something new, but only to free oneself from ignorance that makes one believe in unhappiness. The victim of this ignorance is the ego. It is when one destroys the ego that prefect happiness appears naturally.

Many people seek happiness in new adventures , discovering new regions, finding rare and curious objects. All this awakens great passion in them. But where can they find happiness? In themselves and in no other place. It is not necessary to seek happiness beyond the self.

All have the desire to be happy, protected from all suffering. They also seek to be free from all the diseases of the body and in their own way , preserve the great love , without which they believe happiness cannot be possible.In deep sleep , even though everything has disappeared , each one has the experience of happiness. However , due to the ignorance of the true nature , men prefer to act accordion to erroneous belief that the path of happiness consists in obtaining earthly and celestial pleasures. the pleasure that ends in pain is still unhappiness and the wise man prefers to avoid it. 


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