Sunday 4 December 2016

My Master My God and He everything

Any words will fall short of description of Sri Ramana, as even the Vedas could not describe the Supreme. But the following passage caught my mind which attempts to describe Bhagawan. For me Bhagawan is everything. He cares for me, He snaps my little ego whenever it rises up, but this big fat ego in me doesn't disappear altogether, as sometimes I enjoy the ego.I should let this go , let me love the most heinous of men and lowest of the creature as there is nothing such as that.

"Profound and Magnanimous like the ocean, unshaken by fear like the Himalayas ,of charming appearance like the moon,patient and ever enduring as theEarth, giving away freely as Kubera the God of wealth as severely true and righteous as "Death itself"

Sunch indeed is Maharishi. He forgives not merely once but every time.He gives away everything as he wants nothing for his body. He speaks the Truth-for he is the Real.

Bhagawan , may the spiritual waves from you wash away any hatred and anger I have for anyone and make me qualified for the Sadhana.

Sri Ramanaya Namaha

Saturday 3 December 2016

Cravings and Self Realization

Several people have asked Maharishi from time to time for help (especially in directing their meditation) to overcome cravings and thus to prepare themselves ultimately for Self-realisation. Cravings like lover of drink , anger , sexual craving suddenly can make a veritable slave of man. Disciples have requested Maharishi's advise for similar conquests. There are some detailed considerations set out in Sri Shankara's bhajagovindam eg "Deem this body a nasty bundle of flesh, serum etc and do not enamoured of this" , "when you are impatient and wroth with me or another , remember you are worth with Sri Maha Vishnu who is in you, in me and all". 

Maharishi generally does not advise on these lines. He always goes to the root of the matter " Aim high , aim at the highest; and all lower aims are thereby achieved ", is his principle. If one tries and learns the nature of Self , where is lust and where is anger there to disturb him?. But some disciples are too conscious of their own weakness to aim so high and feel that an immediate remedy for their troubles in required. When Maharishi asks them to not look downwards at the stormy seas over which he asks them to go to the SELF they look below despite his direction , and are nearly drowned. "It is looking below on the stormy seas of differences that makes you sink . Look up, beyond these , and see the one Glorious Real and you are saved" , is his advise. " Have faith in God, Faith in Yourself: That will cure all", is his panacea for all ills. " Hope for the best, expect the best , toil for the best", he says " and everything will come right in the end." Some do rise to the occasion by acting on this advice, meditate straightaway on the SELF and over come their " defects of doubt and taints of blood" .