Tuesday 23 August 2016


Among the qualities that endeared Sri Ramana to thousands, was his soulabhya-easy accessibility. He sacrificed all privacy of time and sat in the hall day in and day out, and even slept in the presence of all. He did everything possible to make himself available to the devotees. With advancing age, the Ashram management thought of some rest for him after lunch by closing the doors of the hall for two hours. When Bhagawan learnt about it , he sat outside the hall after lunch saying " to see me, people come from different parts of the world. they may have some other urgent work. The management is welcome to close the doors but I am free to meet the visitors outside. It took a lot of persuasion to make him relent.
Equally charming was his sahajata- the utter normality of behaviour. His manners were so natural that the new comer immediately felt at ease with him. by a single glance, nod of the head or by a simple enquiry from him, the visitor felt that Sri Ramana was his very own and that he cared for him . He was extremely humble and unassuming. There was no pontifical solemnity in his expositions, on the contrary his speech is lively. When a devotee asked why his prayers were not being answered , Bhagawan replied laughingly said " If they were , you might stop praying".

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