Thursday 14 June 2012


As an answer to Annamalai swamy's question on moksha Bhagawan said the following :

" It is natural for a person to think that he should be well-known to the people of the world and be praised by them.But if this thought is present one cannot attain true greatness or happiness.God is not interested in those who promote their own claims to greatness. One who is not satisfactory to God is an inferior person, not a great one.

If anyone dedicates both his mind and his body to God in every possible way, God will make him be famous and praised by people all over the world"

Bhagawan then supported his remarks by quoting a verse from Vairagya Shatakam

" O mind, you are thinking how to make the people of the world regard you as great.The ever-existing God alone is the one who bestows bondage and lieration.What is the use of others knwoing your greatness? O mind, perform the rare tapas of surrendering to the holy golden feet of God. Then God will make you so great that the world will know your greatness and praise you.Know thus."

Bhagawan also gave a text to Annamalai Swamy called Sivabhoga Saram (96 verse)

"Those who suppress the thought 'I am Great' by not paying any attention to it, the Vedas will say that they are great ,

Those who shay 'I am great' are small people,Say other than them who will undergo misery in this world"

(Source LIVING BY THE WORDS OF BHAGAWAN( Page 124-125) by David Godman )

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