Sunday 23 January 2011

Ramana Maharishi -Interviews of Devotees-Part I

These are interviews of Bhagawan's Devotees who saw him while still in body.

Sri Ramananda Saraswathi , Sri Munugala  S. Venkataramaiah (poorvasharamam), son of Naga sundaram  Ayyar Bhagawan's  younger brother, was a government offcial before moving to ashramam in Arunachalam and acted as a translator  to many devotees for Bhagawan.He also translated many advatic texts like Atma Prabhoda Deepika , Kaivalya Navaneetham and Tripura Rahasya into English.He compiled a book of dialogues between Bhagawan and other devotees under the title Talks with Sri Ramana Maharishi

Prof K. Swaminathan : K.Swaminathan studied in Madras and oxford before teaching english at Sri Meenakshi college in Chidambaram.He worked at Presidency college Madras and was also the Principal of GovernmentArts college.He was given the monumental task of editing Complete Works of Mahatma Ghandi and was aswared with Padma bhushan. In 1940 Swaminathan came to Bhagawan which turned his life.He spent many Sundays inthe Ashram. He was the associate editor and then Chief Editor of Mountain path for many year in 1980s.He translated 1254 verses of Guru Vachaka Kovai of Murugunar in to english under the title The Garland of Guru's Sayings.He wrote Bhagawan's biography which was published by National Bok trust Delhi.He left his mortal body at the age of 98. 

Rajapalayam Ramani Ammal : Ramani Ammal was an ardient devotee of Sri Ramana.She was the cousin of chief minister of Madras Kumaraswami Raja ,who send her a copy of Bharati's Biography of Bhagawan Ramana , Ramana vijayam in 1946. She was a devotee of Lord Krishna since childhood and once she has a vision of a sage ,whom she realised to be Sri Ramana later on. Influenced by Bhagawan's biography she reached Arunachalam with the help of her brother. She was devoted to Bhagawan throughout her life. When Bhagawan left his body ,she decided to fast until death. Then she had vision of Bhagawan in a cave of Arunachala surroiunded by rishis, Bhagawan offered her prasad , an indication to stop the fast.
N.R. Krishnamurthy Iyer, a Professor of American College, Madurai, was a devotee of Bhagavan Ramana, right from his early days. He had a see-saw relationship with Bhagavan Ramana, sometime believing Him, sometime distrusting Him!  He was suddenly bedridden in 1933-34 with multiple ailments, of tonsilitis, dysentery, asthma and vomiting phelgm and blood.  One evening, he felt that he would not live even for the next two days.  He told this to his wife, Subbulakshmi, who started crying.  Suddenly that evening, Vilacheri Mani Iyer came to his house.  He had brought vibhuti and kumkum from Asram.  He rubbed the holy ashes on NRK's forehead and pierced the midbrow with kumkum.  Suddenly NRK felt a thrill of joy which shook his entire frame and he strong felt that Bhagavan Ramana had infused vigorous health into him!  Needlesss to say that he felt better from that day, and got completely cured within weeks thereafter!

(Source:  Arunachala's Ramana, Boundless Ocean of Grace. Volume 2.
Sri Ramansramam, Tiruvannamalai.)

T.R Kanakammal, a great devotee of Bhagavan and student of Muruganar Swamigal merged into Bhagavan on Ist January,2010, on the Jayanthi day of Bhagavan while she went around the shrine of Bhagavan at Sri Ramanashram, Tiruvannamalai. Her greatest contribution was her commentaries in Tamil on the complete poems of Bhagavan's Nool Thirattu. She has also written a book on reminescences  of Bhagavan. Like Meera merging with Lord Krishna in Dwaraka Temple,yet another miracle of a woman devotee absorbed in Bhagavan Ramana in his shrine at Sri Ramanashram. (Source


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