Wednesday 25 November 2020

Revelation -- Sri Raman Hridayam

 All the ills of the worldly life are the outcomeof the primary ignorace, by which the body, composed of the five sheaths, is identified with the SELF, so that all the defects and limitations of the former are tansferred to the latter; this is improper , because the SELF is pure spirit, Consciousness, not only distinct from these sheaths but also quite unconnected with them. The SELF is therefore timeless and spaceless, the Transcendental Reality, which is the substratum of the world-appearance, which is not real in its own right, but only because it has Reality for its substratum, which alone is real.  The Self therefore is ever-free and perfect , and does not need to be freed or perfected. By following the direct path , the mind- the agent of ignorance - is disolved in the Self , bondage and all the ills of life are trancended , and the Self is realised as Pure Consciouseness-Bliss without wants and limitations.

Revelation -- Sri Raman Hridayam 

Author Introduction.

Sri Ramanaya Namah

Saturday 21 November 2020

Egotism-- Enemy Of Wisdom

Vashista Gita -- the oft quoted scripture by Bhagawan is a jewel of Vednatic teachings.

Sri Rama explaining his depodency and vairagya to sage Vashsista says the following 

" I am bevildered and scared when I contemplate the coming in to being of the dreadufl enemy of wisdom known as egotism. It comes into being in the darkness of ignorance and flourishes in ignorance. It generates endless sinful tendencies and sinful actions . All suffering surely revolves around egotism and egotism is the sole cause of mental distress. I feel that egotism is the worst disease . Spreading the net of wordly objects of pleasure , it is the egotism that traps the living beings . Indeed , all the terrible calamities in this world are born of egotism . Egotism eclipses self-control, destroys virtue and dissipates equanimity. Giving up the egotismtic notion that ' I am Rama ' and giving up all desires, I wish to rest in the self. I realise that whatever I have done with egoistic notion is vain- non-egoistism is alone is truth. When I am under the influence of egotism ,I am unhappy; when Iam free form egotism I am happy. Egotism promotes cravings, without it they perish. It is egotism alone,without rythm or reason , that has spread the net of family and social relationships to cathc the unwary soul . I think I am free from egotism ; yet I am miserable . Pray , enlighten me."

Sri Ramanaya Namaha.