Wednesday 10 October 2018


God (Ishvara), Guru (Master) and SELF (Atman) are one and the same reality. The Self splits , as it were, into God and soul, Guru and disciple. The lower member of each pair regains the Self through the grace of the higher member:the soul through worshiping God, the disciple through serving the Guru. Infact ,these are no two different pairs. It is God that appears in the form of the Guru in order to show the soul the way to release by imparting to it the light of knowledge.

Normally, the Guru appears in human form ; but in certain cases he may manifest in non-human forms as well. The Guru is not only without ,but also within.

Speaking about the Grace of the Guru, Sri Ramana once said:

"The Guru is the Self. At sometime a man grows dissatisfied with his life and not content with what he has, seeks the satisfaction of his desires through prayers to God. His mind is gradually purified until he longs to know God , more to obtain His Grace than to satisfy worldly desires. Then God's grace begins to manifest itself. God takes the form of a Guru and appears to the devotee, teaches him the Truth , and , moreover , purifies his mind by associating with him. The devotee's mind thus gains strength and is then able to turn inward. By meditation it is further purified until it remains calm without the least ripple. That calm Expanse is the Self.

Sri Ramana Sri Ramana

Tuesday 6 March 2018


Bhagawan answers the question of misery 

Devotee: When dukha (misery) overpowers me enquiry is impossible.

Maharishi: Because mind is too weak .Make it strong.

D: By what means?
M : Sat-sanga,Isvara Arradhana, Pranayama.

D What happnes then?
M: Misery is removed ; our aim is removal of misery. You do not acquire happiness. Your very nature is happiness.Bliss is not newly earned.All that is done is to remove  unhappiness. These methods do it.

D: Association with the wise may strengthen the mind.There must also be practice. What practice should be done
M: Yes practice is necessary too. Practice means removal of predispositions.Practice is not for any fresh gain, it is to kill the predispositions.

D: Abhayasa should give me that power.
M: Abhayasa is power. If thoughts are reduced to single thought , the mind is said to have grown stronger. When practice remains unshaken it becomes sahaja (natural)

D: What is such practice?
M: Enquiring into the SELF. That is all . Atmanyeva vasam nayet- FIX the mind on the SELF.

D: What is the aim to be kept in view. Practice requires an aim
M: Atman is the aim. What else can there be? All other aims are for those who are incapable of atmalakasya .They lead you ultimately to atma vichara. . One piontedness is the fruit of all kinds of practice. One may get it quickly another after long time, Everything depends on the practice.

Monday 26 February 2018


Question : Will control of Speech lead to control of Mind?

Bhagawan : Speech is controlled by the mind. Mere silence will not quieten the mind. If the mind is subdued , then automatically the breath will become regulated. Forceful regulation of breath through yoga is like applying brakes to the engine. However , if the source of the mind is searched the mind becomes silent. It is like letting off steam from the engine. The very movement of the train is cut off. Through self-enquiry , Self-abidance becomes possible.

Sri Ramana Sri Ramana Sri Ramana