Saturday 12 September 2015

A Devotee's Reminiscences

Hneri Hartung (1921-1988), a Swiss, ran a Ramana Centre in Swiss for many years. His French translation of Ulladu Narpadu went into several editions. Influenced by Frech philosopher Rene Guenon, he authored analogies of interim between Guenon and Ramana Maharishi.

" I came to Bhagawan in 1947. the long path to the Ashram became for me the royal road to the discovery of oneself. I had learnt of  Bhagawan as an authentic representative of the traditional wisdom. 

In Bombay I met a Brahmin who told me without astonishment as if it were an item of everydayness and even before greeting me  --" I was waiting for you , I have to escort you to Maharishi". Two days and two nights of train travel followed, while adoring the Indian landscape and especially the noisy and colourful scenes, which occurred during the stops. I tried to asses myself. Finally I found some ten questions that remained essential for me, the meaning of my presence on earth ,what happens after death, why? how? etc. I reached the Ashram. During the next ten days I shared the ritual life of the ashram, sitting for hours in front of Sri Ramana in the meditation hall. On the day of departure pre-sue answers to all my questions were given to me, without my asking them. Sometimes through few words written y Himself, sometimes through sheer domestic chores, especially in the kitchen, most b  silence. All this being rally subtle transmission as an exceptional spiritual reality Till his last day, the Maharishi will make it possible for his visitors from the next town or from remote place on foot and penniless or in luxurious cars , to see him, even talk to them.they come to bow in front of the living incarnation of the divine reality in human form. He was those amongst us , without ever showing any sort of ambition or particle of pride.

A smile of love and peace and the look which I feel while writing these lines can never be described in words. Thirty years after the first meeting  I am once again at Thiruvannamalai with my wife. A pilgrimage , which goes to the depths of my soul as it did 30 years ago. The Maharishi life seems as a concrete reference to our personal growth. He was the last link of chain of wise and holy men whose origin is beyond time and whose influence gives a meaning to our life, a harmony to our behaviour and peace to our hearts