Monday 27 August 2012


Many who take the PATH , many members of spiritual groups, will be found to be more egoistic than those one would be likely to meet in some group of people united for worldly or social ends - more jealous ,more ungoverned ,quicker to take offence ,less generous, less inclined to give in, atleast in the early phase of the PATH. This is likely to come as a shock and disillusionment to one joining such group.


One explanation that is given is that spiritual training squeezes aout the lower tendencies in man ,of which he himself is unaware, bringing them to the surface and thereby making them temporarily more obtrusive , so that an aggravation is a stage in the cure.

When a devotee complained to the Maharishi that other thougths arose more forcilbly when he tried to meditate,

 Bhagawan replied "Yes All kinds of thoughts arise in meditation ,That is only right ,for what is hidden in is brought out.Unless it rises up how can it be destroyed?Thoughts rise up spontaneously but only to be extinguished in due course, thus strengthening the mind"

Source :Teachings Of Ramana Maharishi in His Own Words


A devotee asked Bhagawan once " Is society right in taking the life of a murderer? Can the state do so either? The Christian countries begin to think that it is wrong to do so"?

Bhagawan :" What is it that prompted the murderer to commit the drime? The same power awards him the punishment.Society or State is only  a tool in the hands of power.You speak of one life taken away , But what about the innumerable lives lost in wars"?

Ref: Talks With Ramana Maharishi